- 导演:
- 神代辰巳
- 主演:
- 片桐夕子/芹明香/絵沢萠子
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:濡れた欲情 特出し21人 Nureta yokujo: Tokudashi nijuichi nin Wet Lust: 21 Strippers 截止2018年2月26日共有457人对《濡湿的情欲:出色的21人》评分,豆瓣评分4.7分。 海边浪荡的女子,雪地放尿的宣泄,这两幕都有意思。色情化的流浪者之歌到了中段开始变奏,本以为两女会踢走男人发表独立宣言,到最后依旧是欢天喜地珠胎暗结,当时男权的社会,这种自省终归泄气,失望。 没有梦想的迷惘的男人,有一个虚妄的梦想而同样迷茫的女人,形式上有点像歌厅,就是人太tm丑剪辑太tm诡异,看得人很不舒服,打光已经有自己的一些呈现了,舞台上的那些情欲戏确实拍的很好。 好厉害的粉红电影。 その日暮らしの芳介は、6万円が入った財布を拾い、そのままスケこましの旅に出る。海辺でメイ子をこまし、さっそくストリッパーにしようと企むが、前の女・夕子に見つかってしまう…。
- 导演:
- 安妮·弗莱彻
- 主演:
- 桑德拉·布洛克/瑞恩·雷诺兹/玛丽·斯汀伯根/格雷格·T·尼尔森
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:The Proposal 求婚女魔头 求婚的恶魔 爱情限时签 弄假成真 截止2018年5月28日共有111100人对《假结婚》评分,豆瓣评分7.1分。 Margaret(Sandra Bullock 桑德拉·布洛克饰)是美国一家知名出版公司的高管,办事出色,为人却极为强势,一旦她的身影出现在办公室,气氛立即会降至冰点,员工们在表面上无不对她噤若寒蝉,在心底则暗呼她为“女魔头”。 Margaret对这一切置若罔闻,照旧施行铁腕政策,可就在她事业如日中天之际,一个噩耗却几乎把她砸晕——因为某些技术性原因,她的签证无法续签,而她本人不得不被遣送回原籍加拿大。 为了保住她苦心经营的一切,Margaret决定和助手Andrew(Ryan Reynolds 瑞安·雷诺兹饰)伪装结婚,以取得在美居住权。在半利诱半胁迫之下,Andrew答应了这个荒唐的要求。 移民局将在一周后对两人进行测试,而Margaret对Andrew还是一无所知,这个周末,她和Andrew一同回到他的家乡……
堕落童男 Adolescenza perversa
- 导演:
- 马里奥·萨列里
- 主演:
- 赛仑/Lydia Chanel/Georgina Davis
- 电影类型:
- 剧情
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Adolescenza perversa Perverted Virgins The film tells, through the memories of the elderly protagonist witness of the facts, the perversions of a besieged bourgeois family in the frescoes of the early twentieth century. At the death of the adorable father, a girl traces in a long list the sexual initiation of a boy's parent. 赛仑 Selen主演作品,谁是赛仑 Selen?一位绝色美女,并且突破社会世俗理念。
- 导演:
- Mario Salieri
- 主演:
- Selen/Joy Karins/Ron Jeremy
- 电影类型:
- 恐怖
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Dracula XXX Dracula 截止2018年5月19日共有133人对《吸血惊情成人版》评分,豆瓣评分6.5分。 吸血鬼就是西方的金瓶梅啊!!!这个情色版本吸血鬼真的是除了血就是性了…… Selen赛仑超级美女最有名的作品,可谓极品。 XV century Prince Vlad Tepes tries unsuccessfully to escape his wife during an invasion of Romania by the Turks. Vlad is killed, while his wife is kidnapped and tortured until he grant to the sultan sexually. Repeatedly raped, she decides to commit suicide right on the tomb of late husband. The sacrifice of the women resurrects Vlad, who vows to get revenge over the centuries. Four centuries later, in 1887 in Bedford, a notary found traces of the heirs of the Count and left for Romania.
The Da Vinci Load达芬奇密码H版
- 导演:
- Jerome Tanner
- 主演:
- Haley Paige, Missy Monroe, Adel Miller
- 电影剧情:
- I am usman and I want to see this film I me responsible。 达芬奇密码另类悬疑电视电影。
- 导演:
- 乔•达马托
- 主演:
- 罗科•西弗雷迪 罗莎•卡拉乔洛 妮基塔•格罗斯 阿蒂拉•舒尔特
- 电影剧情:
- 别名:Jungla proibita: La leggenda sex di Tarzan, Avventure erotiche nella giungla, Jane: The Sexual Adventures of a Jungle Girl, Jungle Heat, Tarzan, Tarzan – Shame of Jane, Tarzan X, Tarzan: Jane’in utanci, Tharzan, Tharzan: La vera storia del figlio della giungla 一个英国探险队在茂密的热带丛林里考察植物时,领队的女友简被一个英俊的野人绑架,后与之在野生环境中迸发出了肆无忌惮的浪漫和激情。简进而劝说他随探险队离开丛林来到英国步入文明,甚至引导他如何进入伦敦的上流社会…… Jane and her friends are in Africa. When Jane gets lost in the woods and vanishes, she wakes up at the foot of the ape-man. One thing leads to another, apeman explores Madame and she does a little exploring herself to their mutual enjoyment. Turns out the ape man’s real name is John, and he is the son of an aristocrat who was lost in the woods 20 years earlier. John consoled himself by overthrowing everything that moves to the delight of the ladies.
- 导演:
- 钱文锜
- 主演:
- 庹宗华/邱淑贞/叶玉卿/罗家英
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:香港沦陷 魔鬼女集中营 1941 Hong Kong on Fire 截止2018年5月5日共有1470人对《香港沦陷》评分,豆瓣评分6.3分。 故事发生在1941年,香港上下被战争的阴影笼罩着,唯利是图的商人开叔(罗家英 饰)有三个女儿信弟(叶玉卿 饰),望弟(邱淑贞 饰)和爱弟(陈少霞),穷凶极恶的继母不喜欢信弟和望弟,因为她们并非她所生。思想开放的望弟喜欢隔壁的先进青年沈放(庹宗华 饰)多年,当她发现姐姐信弟也对沈放情有独钟时,在亲情和爱情之间,她陷入了两难的境地。 十二月二十五日那一天,香港沦陷了,日军的铁蹄蹂躏着港内的每一寸土地,也蹂躏着每一个港人的心。社会陷入混乱,银粮分外短缺,为了自保,开叔做了汉奸,他甚至亲手将信弟送往了日本人的手中,以此博得信任。 看的无删减版,片长101分钟.惨不忍睹却没怎么感觉,但片中也有不少的强奸镜头.也有一点暴力成分.
- 导演:
- 马丁·斯科塞斯
- 主演:
- 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥/乔纳·希尔/玛格特·罗比/马修·麦康纳
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:The Wolf of Wall Street 华尔街狼人(港) 截止2018年3月21日共有152552人对《华尔街之狼》评分,豆瓣评分7.7分。 在危机四伏的投资界,掌管史崔顿·奥克蒙公司的乔丹·贝尔福特(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)生活侈靡、实力雄厚。1987年,22岁的乔丹进入罗斯柴尔德公司,从接线员做起,在高级经纪人马克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)指点下,进入了股票经纪人充满毒品和欲望的世界,半年后因“黑色星期一”,乔丹转投靠贩卖“便士股票”的小公司,凭借巧舌如簧获得成功,与邻居唐尼(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)和一班朋友另立门户,游走在灰色地带获利颇丰,获称“华尔街之狼”,然而,FBI已经开始留意他…… 本片根据前华尔街股票经纪人乔丹·贝尔福特的个人自传《华尔街之狼》改编。
- 导演:
- 米歇尔·博斯荣德
- 主演:
- Alain Delon/Mylène Demongeot
- 电影剧情:
- 电影名:Faibles femmes 弱者女人 女人是弱者 THREE of France's more attractive and unbash-young female stars are put to a minor ignominy in the French film, "Women Are Weak" ("Faibles Femmes"), an intended comedy in color. They are made tochase madly and shamelessly after a character, played by Alain Delon, who is supposed to be thoroughly fascinating, but, for our francs, is not. This young man, whom some genius press agents of the time had helpfully tagged "the French James Dean," has long, silky hair, high cheekbones and a loose-jointed, soigné air. In close-ups (of which there are many), he smiles come-hitherly and generally is condescending towards the lovelies, who simply flip for him. He rides a motorcycle and affects the hauteur of a "cat." Under Michel Boisrond's intense direction, he is intensely the focus of the show. But the point is too labored and obvious. The impression soon sets in that this is primarily an effort to promote a new glamour boy. And the fact that the rest of the picture, the story and dialogue, lacks subtlety and wit—is, indeed, downright foolish in its pretense of male attractiveness—finishes it. There are other annoying aspects. It is apparent that producer Paul Graetz and M. Boisrond, the director, have endeavored to pump some cheap eroticism into it. There is a swimming-pool scene, full of young folk as near nudist as the law allows, which contains some rather seamy shenanigans between the hero and a newly married girl. And there is another scene in which the hero is pounced upon by the three dames and given such a rough-housing as might worry the circumspect. Fortunately, the girls are fetching. Mylene Demonget is perhaps the most wholesome-looking and impressive. She is the beautiful blonde who was last seen here in "Witches of Salem." She's got the reach and everything on M. Delon. Pascale Petit is what her name says—a skinny little thing with a gamin air. She plays the girl, newly married, who still is a moth for her former flame. Jacqueline Sassard is the spiritual one, a plainly precocious convent girl who is led into mischief and expulsion by the hero's ineffable charm. Obviously, all three of these young ladies are stronger than M. Delon. It is tiresome to see them wasting their strength on the likes of this film. There are English subtitles, but they are no brighter than the script.
- 导演:
- 安娜·库金诺斯
- 主演:
- 汤姆·隆恩、格里泰·斯卡绮、科林·弗瑞尔斯、黛伯拉·梅尔曼
- 电影剧情:
- 别名:Vivlio tis apokalypsis 《舞室培欲》是安娜·库金诺斯执导,汤姆·隆恩等主演的爱情、惊悚电影。影片讲述了一个遭受女性蹂躏、尊严尽失的男人,男性主宰的权威完全被女性摧毁的故事。 “挑战人类道德底线,揭示人性最阴暗、最兽性的一面,是近年备受瞩目的话题之作”。看了这样富于煽动的介绍,你怎么想?澳大利亚2006年新片,悉尼电影节主席利顿巴布称之“极具震撼力”。 一段关于情欲、爱恋与性的故事,在追逐性欲的过程之中,令人战栗的惊悚却随之而来…… 丹尼尔是名事业如日中天的舞者,全身72块肌肉极致线条,粉丝遍布全球,每个人都想占有他。原本顺遂平稳的他,却在暗夜遭到三个蒙面人掳走,接下来的12天里,这三个女人以肉体欲望、精神凌虐让他精神状况达到极限,却也因而体验到前所未有的高潮刺激;被释放的丹尼尔羞于将他所经验的告诉别人,但是在深夜,脑中总会浮现在那个小房间的种种回忆;他唯一的线索就是三个女人身上的特征:一个有特殊体香、一个胸部有刺青、一个臀部有胎记,他决心追缉到底。走在路上,任何一个女人的气味、嗓音、美体都会让他想要用尽办法褪下她的衣衫……