介绍:电影名:Gangland Bangers 一个流氓到底是什么让他对女士们如此有吸引力?难道是他走路时那种明显的趾高气扬吗?他讲话的强硬?或者也许是他一直在打包的那根大棒。
介绍:电影名:Hot Summer in the City 白色的处女 / 被开苞的处女 黑色武装团伙绑架一个白色的处女,她要挟和强奸了她。 A gang of black militants kidnap a white virgin, hold her hostage and ravish her.
介绍:电影名:Pulsating Flesh null Harry Rheems delivers 2 gallons of milk to Mrs. Wilson, and when she doesn't answer the door right a... 这是一个人谁的精子是如此强大,他可以得到任何女人怀孕的故事,以及他那张卡森琼显示讲他的故事。 T
介绍:少年马克继承了内衣店。销售飙升自从那家伙来了。女顾客倒在。装修房成为增加私人欢乐的场景。累了,马克解决雇佣年轻漂亮的女售货员,阿林。这个宝石的反常引起了观众人数纪录时,它首次亮相于1981年10月21日在巴黎法兰西剧院α The juvenile Marc inherits a underware shop. Sales have skyrocketed since that guy came along. The female clientele pours in. The fitting room becomes the scene of increasing private joy. Exhausted, Marc resolves to hire Aline, a youthful, saucy saleswoman. This gem of perversity drew a record number of spectators when it debuted in Paris on October 21, 1981 in Alpha France theaters.
介绍:故事涉及繁忙和热闹的大通秸秆夫人 Leautrec (朱丽叶 · 安德森) 与她潇洒的儿子保罗 (罗恩 · 杰里米) 的三个令人难以置信的美丽钻石宴会厅和卧室的欧洲,通过使用爱与欲望作为工具,他们的贸易。热的第三次和最好的钻石在路上,我们臭名远扬的英雄发现自己在优雅的纽约迪斯科夫人 Leautrec 交汇钻石的所有者,格林菲尔德先生,虽然保罗罢工不寻常的性交易和红色 (萨曼莎 · 福克斯) 的女人。格林菲尔德先生,一位百万富翁,邀请保罗和他的母亲对他的年度舞会和狂欢。当数百名戴着面具派对参加者切勿公开追求他们最喜欢的变态,保罗和他的母亲被 incestuously 阴险的陷阱,导致他们输给了另一个小偷 (维罗妮卡哈特) 的钻石。
介绍:电影名:Gamines à tout faire Gamines 理查德老爷(胡子和灌木烫发)护士提供非常独特的服务to the(presumably男性患者性功能失调性)(多米尼克榛和雅克)。调查员不久后西里尔缬氨酸是他们发现了他的地址。他们是巴黎护士和试图隐藏在他的公寓。在那里他们发现伊丽莎白比雷谁欢迎EM以及开放的遗产。 Richard Lemieuvre and Guy Royer (with moustache and bushy perm) are investigating a clinic in the country where the nurses provide very peculiar services to the (presumably sexually dysfunctional) male patients (Dominique Aveline and Jacques Gatteau). The investigators are found shortly after Cyril Val is admitted, but not in advance of they have discovered his address. They are chased into Paris by 2 of the nurses and try to hide in his apartment. There they discover Elisabeth Buré who welcomes em with open legs.
介绍:When a fashion model dies during an abortion, a series of murders begins, starting with her doctor. The next victims are connected to the modeling agency where she worked, Albatross, run by a hard edged and jealous bi-sexual, Gisella, married to a Farouk-like dissolute. One suspect is Carlo, a playboy photographer who has a hot temper and refuses to share information with the p...