
小 Q发布于 2024-04-11 04:30:55




介绍:电影名:Three Ripening Cherries null




介绍:电影名:The New Erotic Adventures of Casanova The New Erotic Adventures of Casanova 美国著名的伟大的孙子和他的情人卡萨诺瓦发现性爱的魅力感官之旅大气的文艺复兴时期,在那里是一个达林的财富和生活的珍贵贾科莫卡萨诺瓦。在女孩做这个电影本的回味。他的卡萨诺瓦在历史中去。在几乎任何有趣的场景的那时代的交往中你所有的细节。卡萨诺瓦在皇家法院和法国的胜利,但奴隶,让他们的野,我想知道他们的。然而,这是全


像她想的那样骚 As Dirty as She Wants to Be

Scotty Fox(导演)/Marc Cushman(主演)/美国/1990/惊悚/剧情

介绍:歹徒向酒店打算毒死她带着麻烦的妻子。 Mobster takes his troublesome wife to a hotel with the intention of poisoning her.




介绍:电影名:Calmos Femmes Fatales 截止2021年2月19日共有209人对《致命的女性》评分,豆瓣评分6.9分。 An amazing movie...but hard to seeI saw this movie a long time ago when it was billed as "Femmes Fa... 剧情简介 一个了不起的电影……但是很难看到。 我很久以前看过这部电影,当时它被宣传为“蛇毒美人”。我记得这是我看过的最离奇有趣的电影之一。虽然可能不像Blier后来的作品那样复杂,但我记得,它有一种粗犷的力量,是对男性/女性关系的严厉审视:一种以极大的诚实和喜剧般的勇气探索男性本我的电影。我希望我能再看一次……但我从没在任何地方看到过。



Godfrey Daniels / Stu Segall(导演)/David·Morris/Joan·Turner/约翰·福尔摩斯/约翰·莱斯利/理查德·帕切科/塞丽娜/迈克·瑞吉/玛丽琳·钱伯斯/杰茜·圣杰姆斯(主演)/美国/1980/剧情

介绍:电影名:Insatiable null Supermodel and heiress, Sandra Chase (Marilyn Chambers) quickly learns money can't buy happiness or .. . 一个孤立的女继承人/时装模特开始一系列的性接触来满足她的孤独和贪得无厌的胃口性。



Carlos Tobalina(导演)/Liza Dwyer / Fernando Fortes / Blair Harris(主演)/美国/1981/犯罪/剧情

介绍:电影名:Come Under My Spell 被催眠的女人 / 被催眠的妇女 装模作样的,绝望了,好色的外国交换学生费尔南多是不是有与淑女运气好的话得分,直到他最好的朋友戴夫钩他与如何使用通过催眠术勾引妇女使用的书。Bumbling, desperate, and libid...




介绍:电影名:Profumo Bizarre / 碧丽莎的情人 截止2021年2月14日共有113人对《芳香》评分,豆瓣评分6.5分。 劳丽(弗洛伦丝·格林 Florence Guérin 饰)和丈夫科尔比(卢恰诺·巴尔托尼 Luciano Bartoli 饰)结婚多年,这些年里,表面幸福美满的劳丽其实苦不堪言,因为科尔比是一个有着变...



David I. Frazer, Svetlana(导演)/Cody Nicole(主演)/美国/1980/喜剧

介绍:电影名:Sexboat Two guys, Laura's driver and Roscoe, sneak aboard an all girl cruise ship with 600 horny, mouth watering broads for six whole weeks, with not one dude aboard! The trip of a lifetime takes a twist when slave trading pirates hijack the ship, with only our two heroes to stop them. Written by


康体水疗 The Health Spa

Clair Dia(导演)/阿比吉尔·克莱顿 / 约翰·希曼 / 凯·帕克 / Phaery Burd(主演)/美国/1978

介绍:The reporters June Winters and Alice investigate a health spa that employs "sexercise". Alas, their boss Mr. Martin reconsiders after being photographed having sex with the worker Nina who forced herself on him. June Winters and Alice are reporters sent by their boss Mr. Martin to investigate Todd's Eurosex Health Spa. June Winters initially resists the spa's patented "sexercise". But back at home, she is seduced by Alice. While she later regrets it, one of the health spa's exercise machines triggers her to undress and touch herself in front of the entire gym. Drunk out of shame at home, she tries forcing herself on a visiting Mr. Martin. Alice enjoys the services of the health spa's workers Bill and Nina, while June Winters prints an article that will ruin the spa. She gets aroused though when Todd massages her shoulders and tries touching her inappropriately. Todd and Alice invade Mr. Martin's office at night to replace the article, but also make use of his desk. When Mr. Martin arrives personally to take pictures, June Winters finally agrees to enter Todd's office for a private session. Meanwhile, Bill holds Mr. Martin down while Nina forces herself on him. After he consents, Alice takes pictures. This health spa has developed a new exercise concept that proves helpful in making everybody very active - a sexercise. It also attracts an investigative reporter, whose mind about her subject will change, has the spa manager shows her all the good parts.




介绍:法国经典复古情色电影 姐妹花满足自己欲望变态玩法 简介:小威作为空中女主人蹂躏恩特雷里奥斯两个情人。她的朋友正在做同样的,故事围绕主角和中产阶级他们贪得无厌的欲望。这部电影的工作原理是一群热情的观众和参与者和周围it.Use HJSplit打之前加入的全部股份,下载占总股本的8% 简介: Serena as an air-hostess torn between two lovers. Her friend is doing the same, the story revolves around the main charators and their insatiable desires of the middle classes. This movie works by a crowd of enthusiastic actors and spectators in and around it.Use HJsplit to Join all parts before playing, download is 8 parts in total.
