
色色蓝蓝发布于 2022-12-09 07:14:35



Doug Sakmann(导演)/乔安娜·安琪尔(主演)/美国/2004/恐怖

介绍:Re-Penetrator is a pornographic spoof of H.P Lovecraft’s 80’s horror flick Re-Animator. Re-Penetrator is the story of a stripper (Joanna Angel), who after being dead for twenty years, is resurrected back to life by a perverted mad scientist (Dr. Breast). Dr. Breast vaginally injects the long-dead, but exquisitely preserved, exotic dancer with special serum so the re-penetrated corpse will return from the VIP room in hell and crave nothing but sex. After he injects her with a gooey green potion the stripper awakens with an insatiable craving for balls, and she fucks the mad scientist from the gurney to the grave.



Alan Colberg(导演)/John Holmes/Sharon Thorpe/勒思里·波薇(主演)/美国/1976/惊悚

介绍:电影名:Tapestry of Passion 私家侦探约翰尼我让 · 奥斯本聘请调查谋杀她的弟弟汤姆。约翰尼很快发现罪魁祸首是自称黑寡妇的女人经营地下 S & M 俱乐部。浸润性俱乐部,约翰尼设下陷阱邪恶的施虐狂只是在警察到来的时候。 Veteran director Bob Chinn gets credit, albeit likely more for his role as creator of the Johnny Wadd character and series than any actual input to the film in question. With the always stunning Leslie Bovee given a run for her money by the equally gorgeous Annette Haven, pretty Desiree West and even Thorpe’s Halloween dress-up domme providing sufficient aesthetic focus, the film is possessed of a more appropriate streetwise feel than the fairly iffy lead feature. Suffused with mood lighting and 70’s cop show trope and feel, Colberg graduates from the more static VFW Hall and hotel room filming of All Night Long to a far more location heavy, clearly cinematographic and more highly budgeted affair playing into and lending sufficient weight to Wadd’s tracking down of “sex ritual murderer” the “Black Widow”. With similar elements to other Wadd pictures such as the Jade Pussycat or the Danish Connection, Colberg directs the film in a nearly unrecognizably different fashion from the goofy (if peopled with numerous fairly attractive ladies) All Night Long. Unlike the earlier feature, this is primo porno chic, with lush, aesthetic locales and elegant decor – marble fireplaces, oriental rugs, beveled glass, ornately carved doorways, oak flooring, hanging plants and tapestries and a whole lot of plot to keep the audience going between the more prurient sequences. Jean Osborne (Leslie Bovee) employs John Holmes‘ doofy Wadd to bring to justice the murderer of kinky brother Tom (John Leslie). Complicating matters is Leslie’s even more attractive (and quite fashionable) wife Pat (Annette Haven), who wants the matter dropped, and the wife of another victim, Cindy Benton (Desiree West again, looking even more appealing this time around) who wants no part of the investigation. And then there’s the matter of the kinky murderess herself… But when Wadd’s on the case, all the ladies must submit, and he always manages to (ahem) come out on top, in the end (cough). As with other Wadd films, there’s a strong focus on location footage and ostensible detective work, with only a complete absence of car chases and fistfights (and the obvious presence of hardcore elements) separating Holmes’ efforts from those of more mainstream private eye epics of the time. It’s damn good, and even holds up to some extent on a detective show level (well, so long as you retain tongue firmly in cheek, that is).


轻佻黑寡妇 Black Widow(IV级)

不详(导演)/斯托米·丹尼斯 雷迪·斯皮尔(主演)/美国/2013/剧情/爱情

介绍:佩尼(斯托米·丹尼斯饰演)是个贫苦家里的长大的女孩,父亲好逸恶劳,是个酒鬼和色鬼;母亲是个赌鬼,她整天在父母的吵架中生活的很不愉快,她梦想成为有钱人,她希望得到一场幸福婚姻让生活发生变化。 她20岁时嫁给了56岁的商业巨亨查尔斯(雷迪·斯皮尔饰演),结婚5年离婚,她成了一个轻佻寡妇,各种花天、各种酒地,生活.....




介绍:大小:19G 类型:压缩包 是否有码:无 下载工具:百度云 解压密码:746393443 作品都是压缩包文件,不可百度云在线解压,必须下载到本地再解压 后续777改成ZIP RAR 7Z都可以 最近换脸挺火的。具体都是谁的截图里有。 高圆圆和佟丽娅没想到也有 十分喜欢她俩 特别是佟丽娅


The Four/四勇士(300斯巴达遗孀)

Michael Ninn(导演)/BreaBennett(主演)/美国/2012/奇幻/战争/剧情

介绍:别名:The Four CD1+CD2,CD1时长1个半小时也就是90分钟,CD2时长110分钟。2G。 斯巴达300勇士的遗孀和波斯战斗的故事…… 斯巴達300勇士,這部電影描述了人類史上最殘酷的戰爭之一:溫泉關之戰。公元前480年,波斯國王薛西斯一世(羅德里格?桑托羅Rodrigo Santoro飾)親率30萬大軍征戰希臘。希臘各個城邦迅速派出軍隊結成了聯軍,準備抵禦波斯軍隊的入侵。 防線的最前線設在希臘的溫泉關,此處由斯巴達城的國王列奧尼達(杰拉德?巴特勒Gerard Butler飾)率領本城300精兵和聯軍4000餘人鎮守。由於叛徒的出賣,希臘軍隊被波斯軍隊抄到了身後形成圍剿之勢。列奧尼達為了保存聯軍實力,讓聯軍首先撤退,自己率領300精兵死守溫泉關斷後。 數以十萬波斯大軍浩浩商商蜂擁而至,自知必死的斯巴達士兵反而士氣高漲,在戰鬥中爆發出驚人的戰力。整個戰爭整整持續了2天,最後列奧尼達和他的300精兵全部陣亡,而波斯軍隊則損失了20000多士兵,薛西斯一世的兩個兄弟也在此役中戰死…… 影片採取唯美意識形態, 帶引您進入概念式的「印象」影藝境界, 運用肢體語言表達情節為重點, 少有對語, 所以「字幕」就無實質的重要. 這是描述斯巴達300勇士與遺孀, 和波斯戰鬥的故事. 片商投資巨大, 史詩偉大題材, 劇情場面恢宏, 名導全力操刀, H版成人限制級電影, 眾多赫名女星加盟裸演!



Sergio Blasco(导演)/Oscar Pastor/Mapi Romero/Diego Braguinsky/Ruben Rodriguez(主演)/Spain/2005/恐怖/惊悚/剧情

介绍:电影名:Belcebu 截止2018年3月2日共有49人对《地狱妓女》评分,豆瓣评分4.9分。 REAL SEX…REAL VIOLENCE…REAL BLOOD…and passed UNCUT by the BBFC. Gore, Pentagrams, black masses, debauched sexual acts and an obligatory twist, this brant new cult horror film from Spain is fast, furious, sexy and violent, with moments of dark humour. Satan, personified as a lustful lesbian rock chick, seduces satanic rock idol Belcebu, who through his lyrics regularly encourages his fans to commit suicide. Satan offers him eternal life as a rock star… however his voluptuous ex is determined to stop him on his quest for world domination…Belcebu is a visual feast in the vein of true Satanic exploitation films such as ‘Nude For Satan’ and ‘Black Magic Rites’.
