
Cxx发布于 2022-12-02 06:14:43

欣赏 开心 赏心悦目


武智铁二 (导演)/川口小枝/亲王冢贵子/伊藤高/真柴さとし(主演)/日本/1983/剧情/爱情

介绍:别名:華魁 春震艺妓馆(港) / さくらん / Prostitute / Oiran 明治中期,长崎游廓不减当年繁荣,各层次的艺妓仍是富人心仪和追求的对象,而两大花魁菖蒲太夫(亲王冢贵子 饰)与扬羽太夫(川口小枝 饰)则为其中翘楚。然即使身为花魁,却也要为了钱财接待一些猥亵、无趣的客人。菖蒲深爱贩卖草纸的年轻人喜助(真柴さとし 饰),碍于身份只能偷偷幽会。 另一方面,刺青师清吉(伊藤高 饰)四处寻找能令他满足的完美肌肤,为此不惜将妓女迷晕。在浴场,清吉无意间看到菖蒲的细腻肌肤,顿时为之绝倒。但他粗鲁的举动遭到菖蒲拒绝,在扬羽的劝说之下,菖蒲主动回到清吉面前……



白井伸明(导演)/石井雪江 Yukie Ishii 饰 Sister Yuki 鹿沼绘里 Eri Kanuma 饰 Sister Eri(主演)/日本/1980/惊悚/犯罪

介绍:别名:Shudojo: kokui no naka no uzuzi/Shûdôjo: Kokui no naka no uzuki/Nun Story: Frustration in Black “Nun Story:Frustration in Black” is a pretty perverse and blasphemous Japanese nunsploit.There is plenty of sex and whipping on display and even two scenes of nun rape. 稀有片源,到处都没有介绍。


庇护我 Exciting Eros: Hot Skin

Hisayasu Sato(导演)/Mamiko Hiboshi, Ran Minagami, Kiyomi Itô (主演)/日本/1986/恐怖/惊悚

介绍:别名:エキサイティング・エロ 熱い肌/Gimme Shelter, Exciting ero: atsu hada/Exciting Eros: Hot Skin。 很稀有的资源,1986年经典粉红,豆瓣,百度都没有资源,算是稀缺资源。女主角不错。 The mother does half-nude aerobics until her son rapes her, and the daughter falls into bed with a female teacher. Despite the shocking goings-on, the film is much more in keeping with Sato’s usual themes of alienation and corrupted innocence than its brutal predecessor.


团鬼六 美女绳地狱

Genji Nakamura(导演)/Miki Takakura, Maya Itô, Daisuke Iijima (主演)/日本/1983/惊悚/犯罪

介绍:邮递员痴迷于一个漂亮而年轻的妻子。他抓住了这个女人,折磨着她,把她放在地下室,成为了他的私人性玩具。 别名:Dan Oniroku: Bijo nawa jigoku。Beauty in Rope Hell。 A mailman becomes obsessed with a pretty, young wife. He captures the woman, tortures her and keeps her in his basement dungeon where she becomes his private sex toy. 较为稀有的团鬼六电影。


花与蛇5 究极绳调教

Masayuki Asao (导演)/Shihori Nagasaka, Mai Hayami, Kaoru Mizuki (主演)/日本/1987/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 5: Rope Magic (1987) a.K.a Hana to hebi: kyûkyoku nawa chôkyô A gambler uses his wife and daughter as collateral for a loan. When he is unable to pay back the loan, daughter and mother are kidnapped by the Yakuza gang that lent him the money. From this moment on, the women have to endure endless abuse and torture by the ruthless gangsters.


花与蛇4 白衣绳奴隶

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Ran Masaki, Kazuyo Ezaki, Masayoshi Nogami(主演)/日本/1986/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave (1986) a.K.a Hana to hebi: hakui nawa dorei Dentist Oba is handsome and successful, but he remained single over the years. Oba is treating his nurse, Naoe, as his sex slave. He also satisfies himself sexually when he anesthetizes his female patients. When he meets Miki, he can’t help but turn her into another sex slave.


花与蛇3 饲育篇

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Minako Ogawa, Yuri Yau, Mariko Kajikawa(主演)/日本/1986/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 3: Punishment (1986) a.K.a Hana to hebi: Shiiku-hen When successful business man refuses to save the business of his former business partner, his wife, a private teacher of written arts, and her student are kidnapped. The former business partner plans to execute his revenge by forcing both women into sexual slavery and forcefully train them into becoming SM porn stars.


花与蛇2 地狱篇

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Kaori Aso, Mami Fujimura, Sei Hiraizumi(主演)/日本/1985/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 2: Sketch Of Hell (1985) a.K.a Hana to hebi: jigoku-hen Here is the first sequel to Nikkatsu Studio’s 1974 hit FLOWER AND SNAKE; Shogoro Nishimura directs this adaptation of erotica author Dan Oniroku’s novel. Kaori Aso lives in the wealthy family. She cheated her stepmother that she has been kidnapped by somebody. Unfortunately, Aso’s accomplice really kidnapped Aso and her stepmother and forced them to play SM games. Aso’s driver tried to rescue them, however… Again a big enema scene is at the centre of this telling of the tale and whilst it is a bit wince inducing, it does not quite have the nasty edge of the original. Beautifully, colourfully and gleefully shot, this is an amazingly focused tale of capture, bondage but more especially humiliation. Much is made of the two naked female protagonists being mother and step-daughter and despite the explicit close-ups of the proceedings, there is always room to show the men and women enjoying the ‘spectacle’. The serious tone is set at the start and apart from a pause for a disco dance in the midst of all the rape and torture and the eye popping and completely OTT ending, things remain on that level throughout. Amazing and it is only regrettable that the English language does not seem to have words to describe just how amazing Japanese cinema can be.


火辣监狱/女囚 檻


介绍:某女子监狱,狱长野枝(和泉喜和子 饰)、牛山神父(仙波和之 饰)以及严厉的刑务官森岸子(渡辺良子 饰)占绝对统治地位。这里的犯人被要求不许思考,只许专心工作和吃饭,气氛极度压抑。而犯人之间也不团结,冴子(松川ナミ 饰)及其爪牙横行霸道,任意欺凌弱小。美丽的正代(浅見美那 饰)思念爱人,为此不惜越狱逃跑,却最终被抓返狱中。她偶然撞破岸子和牛山神父的苟且之事,遂以此作为要挟,在狱中和男友得以云雨。然而她的出格举动令狱友和岸子都大为光火,在和冴子互殴过后,她们一起被关入惩罚室。在这个如同地狱的黑暗所在,狱长、神父、刑务官都露出本来的丑恶面目…… 意识很大胆,女子监狱活色生香,见到男人比见到唐僧肉还让她们兴奋,群起而攻之,冲破铁丝网这一段,拍的很棒。 小沼胜、若松孝二、大岛渚、色情四天王之三。
