
白妖妖发布于 2022-08-29 21:04:13



Christian Anders(导演)/Laura Gemser/Christian Anders/Simone Brahmann(主演)/西德/意大利/1981/犯罪

介绍:又名:Die Todesgöttin des Liebescamps/Love Camp / Love Cult / Divine Emanuelle,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第十部! 在阳光明媚的海边小镇,一个名为“光之子”的邪教正在兴起,教主被称为圣女(Laura Gemser 劳拉•贾姆瑟 饰),身边有一个强壮彪悍的男人多利安(Christian Anders 饰)充当护卫。“光之子”宣扬自由主义,倡导信徒从社会教条中解放出来,并鼓励他们沉浸在自由而幸福的性爱之中。圣女周围的信徒不断增加,甚至连一些知名人士也加入进来。 然而“光之子”又非绝对自由,任何忤逆圣女或者企图脱离组织的人都会在圣女的授意下,遭到多利安的无情惩罚…… 朋友们81年西德的三级电影啊,能有这样的剧情和结尾的那个小爆炸已经实在算是不错了。



Ilias Mylonakos(导演)/Laura Gemser, Gabriele Tinti, Livia Russo, Haris Tryfonas(主演)/希腊/1980/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle: Queen of Sados, I mavri Emmanouella, Black Emmanouella, Emanuelle: Queen Bitch, Emanuelle’s Daughter,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第九部! After years of abuse at the hands of her husband, a woman, Emmanouella, is pushed to the breaking point. She hires a hitman to do in her husband, but just when she thinks her troubles are at an end, the assassin blackmails her. As her husband's business partner struggles to prove her guilt, and as the hitman continues to threaten her new found security, Emmanouella struggles to keep her name clear and to keep her naive stepdaughter from becoming tangled in the web of danger she has created.



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Ely Galleani/Gabriele Tinti/Venantino Venantini(主演)/意大利/1978/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade/Emanuelle and the Girls of Madame Claude / La via della prostituzione,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第八部! 艾曼纽系列就是看里面的美女,主角除外,哈哈,至于那些电影中包涵的道理就不管了,本片的美女依旧是亮点!!! 只有非洲能容下两个裸奔的美女。在最原始的生活中永远有爱和被爱的权利。 Reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is doing a story on the white slave trade and tracks everything to a gangster living in Africa. Not happy stopping there, Emanuelle comes back to America and begins working undercover. This is probably the best of the D'Amato/Gemser Emanuelle movies but that's not saying too much. Unlike the other films in the series this one here at least manages to be entertaining without having to have a woman jerk off a horse as was seen in Emanuelle in America. This film here has a pretty interesting story and it moves along without too many boring spots. Needless to say there's a lot of sex scenes with Gemser taking on various men and women and these here are without a doubt the best scenes. D'Amato makes most of these very erotic, which is another thing missing from others in the series. I wouldn't say Gemser gives a good performance but she is comfortable in the role and you can't complain about seeing her naked throughout the film. The scenes in Africa are well shot and it's nice seeing some of the wildlife. Some of the American scenes were lifted from Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals but this just adds to some of the cheap fun. Original title: Via della prostituzione, La.



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Gabriele Tinti/Nieves Navarro(主演)/意大利/1977/冒险/恐怖

介绍:又名:emanuelle and the last cannibals,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第七部! 艾曼纽靠为报社提供新闻照片谋生,在医院里见到食人族女孩后,她决定深入亚马逊丛林。她找到了莱斯特教授,并一起来到亚马逊,借宿莱斯特好友威尔克斯家。次日,艾曼纽和莱斯特带着威尔克斯的女儿伊莎贝拉等人出发。进入丛林后,他们邂逅了“猎人”唐纳德和玛姬夫妇,遂开始一起行动。但很快,他们就遭到了食人族的袭击……这部意大利在1970年代出品的冒险恐怖片,改编自詹妮弗·奥苏利文报道的真实故事,更是一部相当彻底的Cult片。用一句话来形容本片,就是“什么都没有,只有血腥和情欲”,所以,心脏不佳或不好这口的人,千万别看它。影片开场20分钟是预热,但也极其火爆,上来就是一幕护士被抓掉胸部的残酷镜头,随后的男女、女女激情镜头也比比皆是。进入丛林之后,除了情欲画面丝毫不减外,残酷的血腥镜头大量增加,虽然从效果看,老电影制造粗糙的毛病不难看出,但依然还是很有视觉冲击力,让喜爱的观众看得大呼过瘾。 电影技法一般 配乐前卫 Nieves Navarro的演技堪称精彩 特别是帐篷中的一场戏可称得上大师级的演出



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Ivan Rassimov/Karin Schubert(主演)/意大利/1977/冒险/恐怖/惊悚/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?/Emanuelle Around the World,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第六部! Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.


修女艾曼纽/Sister Emanuelle

Giuseppe Vari(导演)/Laura Gemser/Mónica Zanchi/Gabriele Tinti(主演)/意大利/1977/剧情

介绍:又名:Suor Emanuelle,女主标准的美女,身材爆好! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第五部! 艾曼纽尔放弃她的“罪恶”的过去,已经进入一个修道院和献身给上帝。莫妮卡,自由奔放,热爱自由的一个富有的男爵的女儿因为生活太放荡二呗送进修道院学习,但年轻女孩的野路子时带回她自己的感官过去的回忆,艾曼纽尔开始质疑自己的宗教和性别身份。同时一个逃脱杀手藏匿在修道院,使得事情进一步使问题复杂化。



乔·迪阿马托(导演)/Laura Gemser/Gabriele Tinti/Roger Browne(主演)/意大利/1977/恐怖/剧情

介绍:又名:Emanuelle in America,女主太性感了! 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第四部! 意大利著名的恐怖片导演乔·德马托(Joe D'Amato)1976年作品。美国时尚摄影女记者艾曼妞为了发现更好的题材,不惜牺牲肉体设法混入参议员身边,无意中却发现了一个专门虐待残害妇女的秘密组织······ 前半段露点后半段开始涉黄,快进到后半段当AV看不错。



Mario Pinzauti(导演)/玛丽莎·隆戈/Antonio Gismondo/Rita Manna(主演)/意大利/1976/剧情

介绍:真滴是超刺激。又名:Black Emanuelle, White Emanuelle / Passion Plantation /Emanuelle bianca e nera。 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第三部! In the pre-civil war American south, Emanuelle, a plantation owner's daughter, while outwardly a dainty southern belle, brutally abuses the slaves in her charge. When her fiance is bitten by a snake, he falls for Emanuelle's beautiful African-American maid who's kindness and skill saved his life. Insanely jealous, Emanuelle continues her sadistic behaviour towards her charges, and when her fiance announces he plans to wed the maid, Emanuelle "gives" her to her even more brutal hired men, and her fiance is powerless to stop them. Can Emanuelle learn an important lesson in love before it's too late for everyone?



Joe D'Amato(导演)/Laura Gemser/Gabriele Tinti/Ely Galleani(主演)/意大利/1976/剧情

介绍:蛮漂亮的,不管是人物还是画面,女主超性感。此片又名:Emanuelle in Bangkok。 史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部,此为第二部! Journalist Emanuelle travels to the Orient to interview a close relative of a King, but comes too close to uncovering official secrets for the state's liking. Her hotel room is ransacked and her passport stolen, leaving her stranded and at the mercy of a brutal gang of rapists, employed by the government. Her only hope of escape are her powers of seduction.


黑艾曼纽/Black Emanuelle

比托·阿尔贝蒂尼(导演)/劳拉·贾姆瑟/卡琳·舒伯特/安杰洛·伊凡蒂/Isabelle Marchall(主演)/西班牙/意大利/1975/剧情

介绍:史上最牛逼的三级片系列:黑色艾曼纽系列,一共12部。 In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
