介绍:别名:Pomeriggio caldo、11 Days 11 Nights Part 3 / 11天11夜3 讲述了整整十一天,十一夜,迈克尔生活在萨拉所构筑的灵与肉的世界里无法自拔,即便未婚妻已经发现了他的不忠,他也无法离开萨拉温香软玉般的怀抱,当第十一天结束之时,他和萨拉的关系会走向何处呢。 Courtney a young reporter is assigned to report on the story of a young woman who lost her husband in a bizarre voodoo ritual. He decides to take his highly sexed wife Connie on the trip to New Orleans. Connie is drawn into a secret affair with one of the locals. Gradually captivated by his spell she eventually flaunts her affair in front of her husband and finally leaves with her new lover to join the voodoo follower. Torn between contempt for his wife's infidelity and fear for her life Courtney is left to decide their destiny in the highly charged climax....
介绍:别名:Undici giorni, undici notti/11 Days 11 Nights: Part 1 - Fantasy Becomes Reality / 11日11夜1 还有十一天,迈克尔(Joshua McDonald 饰)就要和自己深爱的未婚妻步入婚姻的殿堂了,就在这个节骨眼上,迈克尔遇见了名为萨拉(Jessica Moore 饰)的神秘女子。萨拉拥有姣好的面孔,劲爆的身材,诱惑的眼神,无论从哪一方面来说,她都是那种男人极其渴望得到了绝世美女,然而,让迈克尔没有想到的是,萨拉竟然主动向他投怀送抱,面对如此诱惑,纵使婚期将近,迈克尔也再不能自持。 整整十一天,十一夜,迈克尔生活在萨拉所构筑的灵与肉的世界里无法自拔,即便未婚妻已经发现了他的不忠,他也无法离开萨拉温香软玉般的怀抱,当第十一天结束之时,他和萨拉的关系会走向何处呢? 有情节 有美女 有创意 的 三级.
介绍:别名:L'inferno delle donee / Escape from Hell/Femmine infernali 站长推荐:美女尽露。 A women's prison camp is located deep in the tropical rain forest. Sadistic guards and a warden from hell make life almost unbearable for the inmates, and any infraction of the rules is dealt with swiftly and savagely. The camp doctor is horrified at what he sees happening, and drinks heavily to push the horror away. Finally the inmates have had had enough, and they enlist the help of the doctor to try and escape.
介绍:琳达·拉芙蕾丝(琳达·拉芙蕾丝饰),一位始终无法在性爱中达到高潮的女人。经医生检查后得知,她的阴蒂居然位于喉咙深处。为了得到梦寐以求的快感,琳达开始在诊所里当起了护士,通过口交来抚慰各色男人的生理病痛,并从中得到享受和满足。 这部开创美国色情电影先河,成为影响最为深远的色情电影《深喉》,于1972年在纽约时代广场上首映,在美国立即引起了狂热的色情风潮。全片大胆裸露的爱欲场面,真刀真枪的纪实拍摄手法,引发了性解放人士与保守人士的激烈论战。最后,影片在23个州遭禁,5个有关公司和12个演职员被告上了法庭。电影引起了各界人士的关注及争论,“深喉”一词,更在水门事件中作为告密者的化名。 这是不是就是说 上帝虽然为你关上一扇窗 但是总会给你留下一道门。