《极乐酷刑》是2003年由孔亮人导演,麦家琪,林雅诗,林剑锋,小室友里等主演的中国香港R级、惊悚电影。 明朝年間,有一無賴魏進忠(林劍峰飾)仰羨先朝大太監劉瑾(麥家琪飾)之榮華富貴,特意結識孫太監望能引領入宮。一日,魏與孫觀賞奇技淫巧之雜耍表演時,孫看中藝妓向泰其(小宮友里飾),並跟班主買下泰其,為施以極樂虐殺自娛。泰其得悉後哀求魏同赴私奔,出走當晚,泰其向魏施展極樂酷刑秘技,魏獲真傳後,殺掉泰其並割其首級及自宮陽物呈於孫太監以作贖罪…… Ming Dynasty. Young Ngai planned to castrate himself to enter the palace for richness and fame. On his way, Ngai was attracted by Han, a showgirl from a sex torture show. They then ran away from Sun the eunuch, Ngai's introducer, who meant to buy Han for sexual torture until death. Same night, Han showed Ngai the greatest sex torturing skills, but in return, after learning so, Ngai killed her in the middle of the torturing and handed her head to Sun for forgiveness......
《极乐酷刑》是2003年由孔亮人导演,麦家琪,林雅诗,林剑锋,小室友里等主演的中国香港R级、惊悚电影。 明朝年間,有一無賴魏進忠(林劍峰飾)仰羨先朝大太監劉瑾(麥家琪飾)之榮華富貴,特意結識孫太監望能引領入宮。一日,魏與孫觀賞奇技淫巧之雜耍表演時,孫看中藝妓向泰其(小宮友里飾),並跟班主買下泰其,為施以極樂虐殺自娛。泰其得悉後哀求魏同赴私奔,出走當晚,泰其向魏施展極樂酷刑秘技,魏獲真傳後,殺掉泰其並割其首級及自宮陽物呈於孫太監以作贖罪…… Ming Dynasty. Young Ngai planned to castrate himself to enter the palace for richness and fame. On his way, Ngai was attracted by Han, a showgirl from a sex torture show. They then ran away from Sun the eunuch, Ngai's introducer, who meant to buy Han for sexual torture until death. Same night, Han showed Ngai the greatest sex torturing skills, but in return, after learning so, Ngai killed her in the middle of the torturing and handed her head to Sun for forgiveness......