
jenan发布于 2024-12-19 00:34:06


女忍者忍法帖 くノ一忍法帖

女忍者忍法帖 くノ一忍法帖(导演)/青山知可子(主演)/日本/1998/爱情

介绍:First in the series. The female ninjas have to protect their master's unborn baby from enemies. They use all kinds of sexual tricks to get the job done.



Gérard Kikoïne(导演)/Marilyn Jess / Ulrike Maas / Sabine Sachon / Brigitte Verbecq / Dagmar Merkel(主演)/西德,法国/1981/剧情

介绍:电影名:Retourne-moi c'est meilleur Boarding Girls' Secrets / Pensionnat de jeunes filles / Secret School for Young Girls / Secrets of College Women 截止2021年3月1日共有176人对《年轻女子寄宿学校》评分,豆瓣评分6.6分。 Christine在去往寄宿学校的路上遇到了一些不幸。在电话里她和父亲讲述,她目睹了一家商店被打劫,而老板却正在和一个女员工发生关系。随后她被一个车站接她的计程车司机强暴了,而警察在她报案后也趁火打劫的对她猥亵….


くノ一忍法帖 IV 忠臣蔵秘抄

津島勝(导演)/上野正希子 咲田めぐみ 依田小夜子 矢島知香 進藤七枝 若林俊秀(主演)/日本/1994/战争

介绍:电影名:くノ一忍法帖 IV 忠臣蔵秘抄 Female Ninjas: Magic Chronicles 4 エロティシズムあふれるくノ一の活躍を描く本格アクション時代劇。元禄14年、江戸城松の廊下にて発生した刀傷事件。亡君の恨みを晴らすべく、仇討ちの機会を窺う浅野家遺臣。その浪士たちに秘術を駆使し、色情地獄に誘い込み、仇討ちの意志を喪失させようとする、くノ一の暗躍 !!


くノ一忍法帖 III 秘戯伝説の怪

津島勝(导演)/若林志穂 井田州彦 小松美幸 長谷まりの 岡本美香 大橋由季 伊藤敏八 遠藤太津朗(主演)/日本/1993/剧情

介绍:电影名:くノ一忍法帖 III 秘戯伝説の怪 Female Ninjas : Magic Chronicles 3 Many films fail as a whole yet must be seen for a few creative elements. This is truer for the horror and exploitation genres where a cool death scene or a nasty rape scene can make an otherwise bland flick. Female Ninja Magic Chronicles 3 (supposedly the best of the series, but I'll never know because I won't bother trying to track down the rest) has a really cool gimmick, but even though the rest of the film is filled with softcore sex, a wacky plot, and gay jokes, the magic tricks are all you'll remember. An aging ruler with no male heir can't get an erection anymore. To combat this, a group of female ninjas are tasked with getting this sacred text of sexual positions from a guy who doesn't want to give it up, thinking it will help Ol' Limpy. Woo hoo, that's pretty wacky in and of itself, but WAIT! THERE'S MORE! The female ninjas each used different magic tricks. One could make her hair grow and strangle people plus she shot silk webbing out of her love canal. One had acid breast milk that melted a guy. One had poison soap bubbles, aka "Vagina Bubbles From Hell." Plus the female ninjas can talk to each other over distances using ECHO.
