
BT老司机发布于 2017-06-23 16:48:39




介绍:团鬼六的肉欲小说人气系列的最新作「花と蛇 ZERO」终于被电影化了,本作的导演是在「探侦はBARにいる」(泡吧侦探)系列中出名的桥本一先生。本作是由东映映像提供,杉本彩主演。这次系列第四部的企划概念是原点回归。所有的演员都是通过遴选,选出在过激的SM场面时能展现出精湛演技的女演员。 至今为止的「花と蛇」系列,故事都是围绕着主人公静子展开的。而本作启用了三位女主演,描绘出三人三种不同的肉欲世界。在遴选中获胜的是天乃舞衣子、浜田范子、桜木梨奈这3人。捆绑调教,三人同时紧缚吊打,同性恋SM,极限的色情描写就是本作最大的看点。 天乃扮演的是,在追踪谜样的违法映像网站「バビロン」(巴比伦)主谋者的过程中,陷入调教陷阱中的警视厅生活安全部门特搜队的警部候补雨宫美咲。本作是她首脱,也勇敢的挑战过激画面,开拓了新的境地。当问到说拍摄时候有惹怒桥本导演的时候,「训了我以后他还是会开着玩笑,拍摄时也不会将不快带入,在最好的环境中拍摄,我觉得这真的是非常好的经验」她如此回答。 过去由桥幸夫是编制的「セイントフォー」中的成员浜田,作为花与蛇系列的重要演员扮演了静子。她在「巴比伦」被监禁、调教,并且画面被上传到网络上。她说这是紧缚这种设定最初的经验,「利用疼痛,让她们流出并非演技的眼泪。但是,这个计划不得不被取消之后,导演的编导过程每天都受到冲击」。由樱木饰演的是静子粉丝,性欲无法被满足的主妇琉璃,留下了这样的记录「我完全信任桥本导演和工作人员,将心和身体都放开,非常愉快的拍摄」。



成田裕介(导演)/小向美奈子 ,本宫秦风,小松崎真理(主演)/日本/2010/惊悚/剧情

介绍:刚刚从意大利回来的静子(小向美奈子饰),才貌双全,在大提琴演奏界崭露头角,并嫁给了关西财团会长海东义一郎,过着幸福的生活。 殊不知,魔爪正悄然伸向了她。远山集团的总裁远山隆义(本宫秦风 饰),使出卑鄙的手段,打算将静子占为己有。他将海东逼至破产,让其用静子做抵押。就这样,静子成了远山的妻子。静子进入远山家后,与管家伊泽(火野正平饰)、花道茶道老师折原(水谷惠 饰),以及仆人美沙江(琴乃饰)等人,开始了共同生活。但她并不知自己已经落入圈套,远山计划将静子进行不堪入目的调教,将她变成…… 本片虽然冠名以《花与蛇3》,但与杉本彩之前的两部作品毫无关系。影片的导演成田裕介拍过许多电视剧及电影作品,其中大多为黑帮题材的录像带。突然转型的原杂志模特小向美奈子,化身巨乳“静子”,展现恶魔般惊人的魅力。曾参加过新版《花与蛇》系列拍摄的世界著名绳束师有末刚,加盟《花与蛇3》,上演精彩绝伦的绳束之美。




介绍:静子(杉本彩饰)的丈夫远山高良(宍户锭饰)是著名的美术评论家,她一直叫着丈夫老师。虽然丈夫年老力衰无法与她过正常的性生活,但静子还是保持着对丈夫那种无法取代的爱。可静子发现她的身体却在欺骗着自己,她无法摆脱体内汹涌而来的欲望。 远山高良深爱着自己的妻子,他对妻子美丽的身体却心有余而力不足。逐渐,他有了对妻子与别人做爱而自己在一旁偷窥的想法。就如静子在做春宫画模特时被绑了起来,还捂住了嘴。一个邮递员看到了闯进来强暴静子,远山在暗处却没有制止。同时,远山也感觉出,妻子在受虐过程中,也得到了前所未有的高潮。 远山高良让静子去法国巴黎找他和老朋友及川资助的一个青年池上洋介(远藤宪一饰),他们想让池上洋介画一副虐待女性的春宫图。当静子受丈夫的嘱托来找他要画的时候,池上就明白这是远山给自己安排的模特。在池上几番进攻之下,静子不但脱光了衣服,任其捆绑,还和他忘情地做爱。静子却不知道,事情远非做模特这么简单。有人在背后操纵着这一切。 影片根据日本官能小说家团鬼六的同名作品改编,1962年8月,团鬼六通过杂志投稿发表了官能小说《花与蛇》系列,20世纪七八十年代,该小说由日活公司改编,先后拍摄了5部电影,因大胆的官能场面引发话题。2004年,东映公司投资第六次拍摄了《花与蛇》,因票房成绩不错,所以于2005年拍摄了第二部《花与蛇2:巴黎静子》。




介绍:远山实业社长之妻远山静子(杉本彩饰)是国际知名舞蹈艺术家,美丽端庄,温柔娴淑。远山社长身体欠佳,二人结婚十年却一直没有子嗣。 一日远山社长受到一群神秘来客的威胁,将他贿赂与非法交易的录像呈递。远山以为只要钱就可以摆平一切,却不料来者另有目的。 另一边,静子受到神秘人的袭击,幸好女保镖的及时出现才化险为夷。 原来来客的目的很简单,只是想让静子去给一位只有一息尚存、年逾九十的大老板表演一次。远山社长于是狠下心让妻子赴会。殊不知这一去,竟是将妻子推入了一个魔窟。 《花与蛇》根据日本官能小说家团鬼六的同名作品改编,1962年8月,团鬼六通过杂志投稿发表了官能小说《花与蛇》系列,20世纪七八十年代,该小说由日活公司改编,先后拍摄了5部电影,因大胆的官能场面引发话题。这次拍摄为该小说的第六次改编。


花与蛇5 究极绳调教

Masayuki Asao (导演)/Shihori Nagasaka, Mai Hayami, Kaoru Mizuki (主演)/日本/1987/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 5: Rope Magic (1987) a.K.a Hana to hebi: kyûkyoku nawa chôkyô A gambler uses his wife and daughter as collateral for a loan. When he is unable to pay back the loan, daughter and mother are kidnapped by the Yakuza gang that lent him the money. From this moment on, the women have to endure endless abuse and torture by the ruthless gangsters.


花与蛇4 白衣绳奴隶

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Ran Masaki, Kazuyo Ezaki, Masayoshi Nogami(主演)/日本/1986/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 4: White Uniform Rope Slave (1986) a.K.a Hana to hebi: hakui nawa dorei Dentist Oba is handsome and successful, but he remained single over the years. Oba is treating his nurse, Naoe, as his sex slave. He also satisfies himself sexually when he anesthetizes his female patients. When he meets Miki, he can’t help but turn her into another sex slave.


花与蛇3 饲育篇

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Minako Ogawa, Yuri Yau, Mariko Kajikawa(主演)/日本/1986/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 3: Punishment (1986) a.K.a Hana to hebi: Shiiku-hen When successful business man refuses to save the business of his former business partner, his wife, a private teacher of written arts, and her student are kidnapped. The former business partner plans to execute his revenge by forcing both women into sexual slavery and forcefully train them into becoming SM porn stars.


花与蛇2 地狱篇

Shôgorô Nishimura(导演)/Kaori Aso, Mami Fujimura, Sei Hiraizumi(主演)/日本/1985/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake 2: Sketch Of Hell (1985) a.K.a Hana to hebi: jigoku-hen Here is the first sequel to Nikkatsu Studio’s 1974 hit FLOWER AND SNAKE; Shogoro Nishimura directs this adaptation of erotica author Dan Oniroku’s novel. Kaori Aso lives in the wealthy family. She cheated her stepmother that she has been kidnapped by somebody. Unfortunately, Aso’s accomplice really kidnapped Aso and her stepmother and forced them to play SM games. Aso’s driver tried to rescue them, however… Again a big enema scene is at the centre of this telling of the tale and whilst it is a bit wince inducing, it does not quite have the nasty edge of the original. Beautifully, colourfully and gleefully shot, this is an amazingly focused tale of capture, bondage but more especially humiliation. Much is made of the two naked female protagonists being mother and step-daughter and despite the explicit close-ups of the proceedings, there is always room to show the men and women enjoying the ‘spectacle’. The serious tone is set at the start and apart from a pause for a disco dance in the midst of all the rape and torture and the eye popping and completely OTT ending, things remain on that level throughout. Amazing and it is only regrettable that the English language does not seem to have words to describe just how amazing Japanese cinema can be.


花与蛇1 1974

Masaru Konuma(导演)/Naomi Tani,Nagatoshi Sakamoto,Hijiri Abe(主演)/日本/1974/惊悚/剧情

介绍:别名:Flower and Snake ’74 (1974)。 Naomi Tani plays the role of Shizuka, the aristocratic wife of the president of a large company. When she wants to divorce her domineering husband, he orders his employee Yoshi, the son of an adult toy store owner, to train his wife to become sexually submissive. Yoshi has been rendered impotent due to a childhood trauma resulting from his killing a black American soldier who had been having sexual relations with his mother. During the course of his training of the masochist Shizuka, Yoshi recovers from his affliction. One of the more gruelling scenes involving an extensive forced enema, the sequence is ultimately played for laughs! But then the first bondage rape scene ends up being played as romantic, so be prepared for anything and never imagine you will be able to anticipate a good Japanese film maker. Devastating and philosophical, horrifying and whimsical by turns, this outrageous and stupendous piece of film making ultimately presents us with the most controversial of images as the bound slave visibly controls her ‘masters’ and as the film closes on a freeze frame as cynical as any Bunuel, she recruits another.
